PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor Course (OWSI) – Bali.

PADI Platinum Course Director SF Chong’s PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) course is a 6-days class designed to prepare qualified candidates to become PADI Instructors in Bali.

This course is scheduled during the last 6 days of our Instructor Development Course (IDC.) Either the OWSI program or the entire IDC must be completed before attending the PADI Instructor Examination (IE). Combining the Assistant Instructor (AI) course and the OWSI program in to a continuous program makes up the entire IDC.

Scuba instructors certified by other organizations may cross over to PADI by successfully completing the OWSI program and the IE. You will need to arrive the day before to complete the Orientation though so it is a 6-½ day course.

Please consult Course Director SF Chong for advice. Chong’s advice will be based on your attitude, experience, level of dive knowledge, diving ability, overall understanding of the dive market and consumer attitudes, and your ability to grasp new concepts through independent study. Remedial training, additional IDC curriculum presentations, or full IDC with or without the Pre-study and preparation workshop may be advised.

IDC Bali Scuba Diving Instructor Course
Entry requirements for OWSI program:
  • Be certified as PADI Divemaster or hold a leadership level certification with another training organization
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be fit for diving and submit a Medical Statement for a diving medical examination conducted within the past 12 months from the start date of the IE must be signed and state Fit for diving ( PADI medical Statement Form recommended).
  • Have been a certified diver for at least six months and have completed and logged at least 60 open water scuba dives (100 logged dives to attend the IE, except as noted below), as documented in the individuals log book and have documentation of experience in deep, night and navigation.
  • Submit proof of CPR training within the past 24 months.
  • Submit documentation (photocopy) of any qualifying certifications issued by another recreational diver training organization.
  • If not a PADI Divemaster, complete the PADI Divemaster Course Diver Rescue Skills Assessment.
Completion requirements for OWSI program:
  • Demonstrate competency in dive theory by passing a five-part theory exam scoring 75% on each part
  • Performing a nonstop swim for 400 metres/yards and swim/float for 10 minutes
  • Show proof of at least 100 logged open water scuba dives if attending the PADI Instructor examination (IE)


Note: PADI Instructor application fee (2025) AUD$350, is NOT included in the course price.

Next >> PADI Instructor Examination


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From ZERO To HERO program in 45 days! – From non diver to professional scuba diver. If you want to live an extraordinary life, then this program meet your needs. we offer ongoing programs designed around your needs and you can either be trained to Divemaster or instructor level.